Saturday, December 19, 2009

master of (n)one

I am in a constant struggle with my mediocrity in a city where anything is possible. someone once told me that to recognize your own mediocrity is the first step at truly accepting and living life to it's fullest. I want to believe that this is all I need to move forward, but in the back of my head I can never fully wrap my head around it. Or maybe it's just that I don't want to.

Jack of all trades / Master of none
. Is this a slogan of being ordinary or of being a success? Mastering the art of integration and pushing it to the limits may be the only way from becoming stuck.

The struggle continues, and the constant urge of my nomadic tendencies must be kept in check. The distraction of always looking for an escape continues to hinder any ability to 'master' any one thing.

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